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Brighton, UK, United Kingdom
Andrew is a Brighton based writer and director. He also acts (BEST ACTOR, Brighton And Hove AC for 'Art'), does occasional stand-up, & runs improv workshops every Sunday. This blog can be delivered to your Kindle: By subscribing via this link here -or you can carry on reading it here for free ..

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Tash. And Nanowrimo Dash.

As well as attempting to hack out a novel this month, I've also been trying to produ a moustache as well. I'm still not entirely sure which one has garnered the most success. Certainly, both get me funny looks and sympathetic comments. Although, to be fair, only one of them has resulted in people telling me I look like a Mexican. 

The reason for the moustache, as I'm sure you're already aware, is to promote Movember, a charity that seeks to raise awareness of cancer in men. I did my first Movember last year, and was very gratified to raise over £100, which might seem like small pennies to you, but since I didn't really expect anyone to pay attention to me and my Mo, was roughly £107 more than I expected to be able to raise 

For various reasons (the NaNoWriMo book amongst them) I haven't been able to go on as much about Movember this year, so my fund raising page is significantly lower, and I'm fully aware that we're in the last week. If any of you lovely people wish to denote (and, indeed, promote) the fact that I've been spending the past month sporting a Mo, please see if you want to spend any time visiting my Movember page (the link for which should be above). I'm also fully aware that I'm somewhat late to the party with this plea, and that you've been bombarded for the past couple of weeks with similar pleas from the other men in your life also asking you for donations. At least you can take comfort in the fact that absolutely none of the men involved in Movember are in any way competitive, won't take it personally if you choose to donate to someone else over them, and in absolutely no way will take such a rejection as a slight on your shared friendship, on on their manhood. So, no pressure there, then. 

I'm fairly convinced that I don't really suit a moustache. I'll be brave and post a photo later, so you can point and laugh. It's alright for a couple of days around the mid-way point of the month, where it looks somewhat distinguished, like an English officer who still thinks of war as jolly good fun. I'd like to think that I get closest to this look when I'm wearing my high collared black coat. I bought this coat originally because I imagined that it looked a bit like the one that Benedict Cumbrbatch wears in Sherlock, and not a £10 end of season sale item from Primark, which it does in fact look like, and, indeed, is. 

The moustache always takes a bit of getting used to, simply because I don't normally wear one. Until this time last year, I never did. My dad, on the other hand, always did, being a man of the seventies. Looking at the mirror today at my mo, I'm taken aback by how very little I resemble my dad. I think me and my mum are going to have to have a little talk .. 

By the way, before I forget: in aid of Movember, I'm part of the line up of a special charity edition of the Comedy Cooler, a stand up night at the Alibi in Hove, this Friday. It will be my first bit of stand up in almost a year, so come along if you want to point and laugh, or, in the surprising event that I'm actually funny, simply laugh. The compere is Aidan Goatley (10 Films With My Dad), and the headliner is Sam Savage. Just as a heads up, though, since it's a charity gig, it's a pre-booked ticket only event, so you're best advised to head along to this link here to book your tickets. 

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