So, here we are then: just one month until the first night of The Snow Queen. Back in March, it was just so many scribbles on scraps of paper. Now it's a cast of twenty-five plus. I'm still slightly giddy at how it's all turned out.
Don't get me wrong; strictly speaking, it hasn't turned out yet. There's still a month to go after all, and all sorts of special effects to sort out, as well as recording the music (a chapter of accidents has meant that our original musician isn't able to provide the music for us, which, if the show wasn't already in a pretty good place, would be feeling us with fear and panic. As it is, however, the songs have sounded pretty damn good acoustically, so I'm inclined to think that we're in a good space no matter what happens). But there's genuine chemistry between the cast, some really lovely performances, and all manner of people working behind the scenes (occasionally literally) to ensure that this will be a very special show.
On this Friday, we've arranged a photo shoot on the Brighton Pavilion ice rink (snow / ice - c'mon, we wee going to pass up an opp like that?) which really begins our countdown to the show. Early next week, we get the cast into the space, and at roughly the same time the set will begin to be built. (I keep saying to anyone who will listen that I had genuinely intended to do a show that was simply two actors, in a black box, no set. Nobody ever believes me). We're hoping to lay some tracks for the songs next week or so, and at around the same time we invite the youth theatre section of the NVT to join (making the cast numbers bubble up around the 30 mark: next time - 2 actors in a black box. Honest.)
It's all getting far too exciting, and I am in equal parts eager and terrified by what the next month will bring.
Hello! How Are You?

- Andrew Allen
- Brighton, UK, United Kingdom
- Andrew is a Brighton based writer and director. He also acts (BEST ACTOR, Brighton And Hove AC for 'Art'), does occasional stand-up, & runs improv workshops every Sunday. This blog can be delivered to your Kindle: By subscribing via this link here -or you can carry on reading it here for free ..
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